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HKBIO2024 New Year Group Visit
HKBIO2024 New Year group greetings😊
Thank you Professor for the sumptuous meal@Science Park Nantian

We sincerely invite all walks of life to visit us next Wednesday for guidance.
🌈The launching ceremony of the Eurasian Natural Health Industry Conference will be held on February 28, 2024 (Wednesday) in the conference hall on the fourth floor of the Hong Kong Productivity Council.
🌈This is a New Year gathering of business representatives from the biotechnology and health industries from the international, mainland and Hong Kong. It uses innovative thinking to build a communication bridge for the cooperation between Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area, allowing business representatives from Guangdong and Hong Kong to communicate with Hong Kong scientists, Capitalists communicate and discuss further cooperation.
🌈 As a member of the Hong Kong Biotechnology Association and a co-organizer of BIOHK2024 Hong Kong International Biotechnology Forum and Exhibition, EA Bio Health Partnering Convention 2024 will be jointly held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center on September 14. In line with Hong Kong’s event economy, exhibitions and conferences are booming .
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